CSA Security Update
CSA STAR is the industry's most powerful program for security assurance in the cloud.The Security Trust Assurance and Risk (STAR) Program encompasses key principles of transparency, rigorous auditing, and harmonization of standards. Companies who use STAR indicate best practices and validate the security posture of their cloud offerings.This podcast series explores CSA STAR as well as CSA best practices and research along with associated technologies and tools.
CSA Security Update
Who moved my cheese? Changes to the ISO standards and how they will affect you.
As the businesses change the world changes and so does the standards industry. Being up to speed on those changes and paying attention to such changes can help company's succeed.
CSA is dedicated to keep our followers up-to-date on these changes and how they may affect the users and provide guidance and information on what can be expected moving forward as well as what organizations should be concerned about as well as tips on preparing for these changes.
Listen as we interview Ryan Mackie of Schellman and Eric Hibbard of Samsung, both members of SC27 and discuss the most critical changes already released as well as those yet to come and what organizations can expect as well as what you should be thinking about.