CSA Security Update
CSA STAR is the industry's most powerful program for security assurance in the cloud.The Security Trust Assurance and Risk (STAR) Program encompasses key principles of transparency, rigorous auditing, and harmonization of standards. Companies who use STAR indicate best practices and validate the security posture of their cloud offerings.This podcast series explores CSA STAR as well as CSA best practices and research along with associated technologies and tools.
CSA Security Update
Application Security - The Importance of Future Proofing Your Process
As we’re seeing more cyber attacks in software, open-source software, etc., there is a crucial need for businesses to future-proof against emerging threats.
- How can companies take preventative (vs reactive) measures, including embedding security into the software as it’s being built (security by design)
- Urgency for daily scans
- How the CCM and STAR Program can facilitate reducing risk and understanding the Shared Responsibility Model.
- What to expect in 2022 (more supply chain attacks expected)
Get the answers to all these topics and more as we interview Farshad Abasi, Founder and Chief Security Officer of Forward Security. In this episode, we discuss software design and development, network and system architecture and cybersecurity, management.