CSA Security Update

What Executives Should Know About Security Breaches and Prevention - Guest: Phillip Merrick; CEO, Fugue

John DiMaria; Assurance Investigatory Fellow

Security is not simply a CIO, CSO, or IT department issue. It is critical that organizations have a system in place that can prove the all important "Standard of Care" was deployed and maintained.

Breaches, leaked documents, and cybersecurity attacks impact stock prices and competitive edge. It is a responsibility that must be shared amongst all employees. It is a matter of resilience and survival of the company.

How should CEOs and board members get proactively involved in mitigating future challenges and get involved in the decision making process in an industry where there is so much "noise".

As CEOs technical knowledge and security experience can vary quite a bit, what should they do when the vendors start crowding the door?

Listen as Phillip Merrick; CEO of Fugue provides advice from the boardroom and how CEOs think and approach security VS the IT department.




