CSA Security Update

The Business Value of STAR Attestation

October 16, 2020 John DiMaria; Assurance Investigatory Fellow

As organizations look to cloud services to process more sensitive and critical data, security, and risk management teams require tools to quickly assess and understand the types and rigor of security controls applied by cloud service providers. CSA STAR Attestation is the first cloud-specific attestation program designed to meet this need. Based on the CSA’s Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM), STAR is the only meta-framework of cloud-specific security controls, mapped to leading standards, that enables third party audit review to give security teams the support and trust they require to enable this move to the cloud.

Listen as we interview Ashwin Chaudhary Director and CEO of Accedere group and discuss STAR Attestation, the advantages of SOC2 plus CCM, and the business value it brings to organizations.
